WeBaCoo Tool: Keeping your web shell under the mainstream radars

The past two weeks I conducted two presentations on the WeBaCoo tool. First one at 3rd unauthorized security meeting (11 March 2012) and the second at Patra’s Linux User Group meetup (20 March 2012).

Presentations did not focus solely on the WeBaCoo tool and its features. Critical topics around web shell implementation and communication techniques were discussed, focusing on how to maintain a stealth behavior. Both events were followed by a custom web hacking challenge for fun and learn.

I had a great time in both events and I would like to thank the organizing committees behind the scenes and people who attended the presentations. It’s pleasant to see that people started to get concern about security issues and actively participate in relevant events.


Presentations can be downloaded from the following links:

Unauthorized (.pdf 1.1MB)

PLUG (.pdf 1.1MB)



A. Bechtsoudis