DRIL: Domain Reverse IP Lookup Tool

Reverse DNS Lookup process reveals the domain names that are associated with an IP address. Website owners/maintainers sharing hosting resources and penetration testers extensively use Reverse DNS Lookup to find out the domain names that are listed in the target host. A lot online lookup tools exist (like ip-address.com and domaintools.com) but i prefer to use a relative software tool for this work. Recently i come across in the web with the DRIL tool.

DRIL is a Reverse Domain Tool developed by Treasure Priyamal using the JAVA programming language and a Bing API Key. DRIL comes with a user friendly GUI in order to help pen-testers and website maintainers to work fast and efficiently. I have run with success DRIL under Linux and Windows XP & 7 OS.


You can download the latest version of DRIL from Sourceforge.


In order to run DRIL in a Linux environment execute:

$ java -jar DomainReverseIPLookup.jar


Here are some screenshots of the tool in action:



Useful links:





A. Bechtsoudis

1 Comment

DarylApril 27th, 2013 at 10:41

Drill wont reverse all the websites, as bing does not cache all the websites which are hosted on the same server…

try reverseip lookup tool of logontube.com it is better..and returns 97% of all the websites hosted on that server. they also provide a free Api


API: http://logontube.com/reverseip/